
Get Started

About this section

In the Get Started section, you will find all the information you need to start testing Smag Link APIs.

To learn more about how to integrate Smag Link APIs into your application, see the Authentication section.

Create a developer account

Dig into Smag Link API reference documentation and get access to business and referentials APIs.

You can discover detailed informations about crops and varieties, your farms and crop zones and many others ...

The first step to use Smag Link APIs is to create an account on the developer portal.

Generate a token

You don't have a Smag Account or can't access Smag Farmer / Expert?

Please contact us at developers@smag.tech.

You already have a Smag Account and you can access Smag Farmer / Expert with this account?

You can use the token generator tool to generate a token.

This token will last 24 hours. After this delay, you will need to get a new one.

"Password": "Password1"